{By turning space into a sacred personal place, you are conspiring with the universe...}
Creating magical, sacred, serene, inspiring, functional, or just plain pleasing space requires one thing mostly: A willingness to experiment. Because any plan – no matter how well thought out or organized – doesn’t always translate seamlessly into real life.
Often, what we think will look grand or work well simply doesn’t once in place. As well, what we might assume to be a bad design choice in theory often ends up surprising us in reality, delivering a boldly adventurous flair or titillating end results.
So any creative or dynamic endeavor is bound to wreak some temporary havoc on - or between those -immersed, whether it be husband and wife, business partners or roommates. While change is sometimes necessary, whether from a practical or soulful standpoint, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Learn to go with the sometimes chaotic and sometimes harmonious process of moving your sh*t around.
To aid the design (and sanity-maintaining process), it helps to keep some things in mind:
• First decide how the room needs to function, and just as important, how you want the room to feel.
• Understand that moving or changing one thing can set off a chain reaction resulting in the whole room being re-designed.
• Know that heads will butt, but it’s important to always be open to others’ ideas.
• Also be open to Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D if Plan A doesn’t go as planned.
• Before you shop, investigate all your spaces to see if you already have something that will work.
• Don’t be afraid to strip a room bare and start completely from scratch.
• Neutral furniture can be timeless and re-invigorated whenever desired with colorful pillows, throws and other decorative items.
• However, a bold statement piece can really leave an impression and doesn’t require extra decorative knick knacks. (Just be sure it’s something you love, love, love).
• Consider paint, wallpaper, molding, decorative beams, or all of the above. (Yes, even in the same space).
• White - if you love classic, clean lines - can be a great design choice (not just a generic default). And there are more shades of it than you can probably imagine.
• While there may be ‘better’ and ‘best’ in design concepts, there are no exception-less rules... except fir the One Golden Rule: You must love it because it’s your space within which to reside, rest, create and soar.
Decorating can feel like a serious endeavor. You’re transforming an existing pocket of space into something that makes you feel good and supports your desired life. That’s pretty big stuff, indeed. But keep in mind there ought to be an element of play as well. By turning space into a sacred personal place, you are conspiring with the universe to make it more magical… So the sky should be the limit when it comes to crazy, what-if ideas and far-out possibilities. That’s how genius emerges.
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